DH2SAV Locator:JN48QU
Take off
Wow Big Dish 30m Diameter
Wesselhofen big Thing.
Super Day.
Spiderbeam works very well :-)
I´m mounting the Dish on Saturday morning 01.02.2020 and make my first QSO a few Hours later with DH1NAS Franz Josef,F5DMD Jean near Paris,DL7SEP Sepp,DL6SH Slawek,DG7BBP Jens,SV2HZT Tasos,IT9TVF Vincent
In the evening after some tests with the Software for DATV Bakon RXing i´m returnt to the SSB Transponder and first i make a QSO with V55QO Charly in Namibia.
Suddenly DP0GVN Antarktis Neumayer Station is on the Band.
I´m make my QSO in a big pileup only with the 75cm Dish and 4Watt.
Felix have a big pile up to work and many station´s call him.
It was a very suprised because DP0GVN was also redy to mounting his equipment and make his first QSO via QO 100.
More Picture from the Neumayer Sation are on the AMSAT DL Homepage.
Mny tks to Slawek DL6SH for help mounting and install the Software.
-------- DX QSL´s on page --------
Any DX QSL´s on the DX Site from contest´s and DX contakt´s
Visiting by DL6SH Slawek
WOW! big Dish by Slawek DL6SH
For 23cm EME Sun noise over 20dB.
Differnt on my side hi hi,but Antenna Inspector Fips watch all Antennas on the Roof.
New PA for 13cm 28V 18Amp´s
Behind my Village Breuningsweiler 450m NN high 20km Northeast from Stuttgart.
More Picture´s from my QTH are in the Menue " My QTH 360°View"